Monday, June 27, 2005

Can't Take My Mind Off of You..

What started about a month or two ago as a simple thought (my sister-in-law sent a link to a nice house for sale closer to where they live, and then I noticed a nice house for sale near our daughter's best friend's house).. has now turned into a total obsession. We are full-on house hunting.

It's kind of hurting my head. I can't get floor plans, kitchen cabinets, square footage and decorating thoughts out of my head to save my life. I fall asleep imagining how the children's new rooms will look. I wake up wondering if Pergo or Real Wood floors would be better for us. I fret over fencing options for the yard while brushing my teeth. I need a mental break -- and I worry I won't get one until we buy a place and get over this with the inevitable next emotion: Buyers Regret.

Every home I've purchased (only 2 so far) has made me very happy. But not initially. Initially I find myself wracked with worry over it being too big, too expensive or somehow unsuitable in another way. Now our house is too small. It really is. We love it, but it's TOO SMALL. We'd stay here, despite the road noise and lack of storage..if only we had another bedroom or two. No chance of adding on - believe me we considered that first.

So, now I spend every waking moment on the MLS Search. We've picked a realtor - and she's coming to do a "market analysis" on our house tonight. I've even started prepping our house for sale. Painted all the outside trim that was peeling and cleared some clutter from the kitchen. Hubby rented the Rug Doctor and cleaned all the carpet. It looks so nice it makes it even harder to part with our beautiful home. But, we will. And, judging by the current status of my obsession for a new, larger home -- we will likely part with this home this summer.. and by Labor Day be in our new one. And then I can hush the noise in my mind over carpet, paint and floor plans. And replace it with a new series of voices in my head: "OHMYGODWHATHAVEWEDONE? How will we pay for this?"

..same party

The girls are very intent on trying to fill water balloons from the sprinkler. They had a great time at the party, too.