Sunday, July 01, 2007

To my great surprise, we have a new dog

My dog Callie pre-dates my wonderful husband. When we married we were both package deals. I fell in love with, and pledged to help raise his beautiful daughter who pre-dated me (she was about 18 months old).
I told him I couldn't relocate to Minnesota without my puppy, Callie, just about exactly the same age as his daughter.
Callie, like my stepdaughter, is quickly approaching the age of 10 this August. She's a wonderful, mostly mellow, meek and loving dog. If anything, she's a bit neurotic and when she feels abandoned or when a stranger approaches the door while we're not home, she's liable to make a mess on the carpet out of fear. (Or, at least this is my theory.)

Hubby, after years of comments about how little he cares for dogs (especially shedding dogs, and dogs that drag mud and dirt into the house on their paws) was at his wits' end when we moved to our new house and Callie had a few accidents.

I chalked this up to her needing to adjust to the new house. Hubby, not so much.

He knows I'd never give her up - so he looked for alternatives. Would I consider letting my parents take her back to Ohio? While that might not be bad for Callie (would she even miss me if she was being doted on by my mother or stepmother? Both are wonderful dog lovers and would walk her, feed her treats and love her dearly)...I didn't think I could bear it. She's the one constant in my life for nearly a decade. She rode with me faithfully every weekend to Chicago. She moved to Minnesota with me. She hunkered down with me through two torndaos. She slept on the foot of my bed, not leaving my side each time I was stuck in bed sick. She's been my faithful, wonderful dog - I couldn't send her away.

So, to my great surprise, today hubby decided to get ANOTHER dog. His theory was that Callie would adjust better somehow with an additional dog to keep her company.
He suggested a visit to the Humane Society at brunch, and by 2pm we were the owners of a Pointer from points unknown.

The jury is still out on this - but for now, we've welcomed a new member to the family: Miley.

Welcome Miley. We plan to feed you up (poor Miley is terribly underweight. She was a stray before the Humane Society found her) and take good care of you. Please let us love on you and take you for walks, OK? Also, the cat is NOT for eating.


Shelli said...

I. Cannot. Believe. It! I think you should have him checked out to make sure he hasn't lost his mind somewhere. LOL

Lynda said...

HAHAHA! The cat is not for eating! I love it. Before we got our dog, Nikki, I would tell the shelter people, "We like a dog that likes cats. But not in the "Mmmmm, yummy!" kind of way."

When you said your daughter pre-dated you, I was thinking she was the same age as you for some reason. I guess it's still too early in the morning for me.

I came through Shelli's blog, btw.