Tuesday, October 02, 2007

It's been a while since Mama's been on a business trip

The kids are not used to mommy traveling - it's been very infrequent over the past year. I called on my first night away from home this week and was being missed - esp. by our youngest.

Mr Man: Mommy. Come to our house. Come here.
Me: Honey, I'm in Texas. I'll be home in a few days. I'll bring you a little motorcycle, ok?
MM: No, come to here. I neeeeed you.

After that he dissolved into tears. It was hard to listen to - nothing much I can do to comfort him from so far away... but also it was not as gut-wrenchingly painful as I remember from trips when he was younger. Also, I knew it was also because he was overtired. (It was near his bedtime when I called.)

However, today hubby told me the conversation they'd had this morning.

Mr. Man: Daddy, you go to Texas and mommy come back here.

Jeff explained to him that it wasn't like we could trade places - but Mr. Man was adamant. Daddy should go to Texas in my stead and I should come home. That cracks me up - he's a smart little monkey trying to come up with a deal like that.

Maybe it's true what they say about mama's boys and daddy's girls -- because I think that Mr Man misses mommy the most.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey There Big Sis-

I can only hope my little boy loves his Mommy as much as yours!!

Your Little Sis