Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Yellow Curry = Trip Down Memory Lane

Today at lunch I had a flash of realization - a reminder of how truly fortunate I am that my life has taken the path that it has.

Years ago on a business trip in Singapore I walked with coworkers to a little indoor market area where they went for lunch each day. It was a lot like the Dayton's ground floor level food area (aka Marshall Fields, aka Macy's) - lots of competing vendor stalls selling a variety of lunch items to be purchased a la carte.
I remember thinking, with not just a little bit of jealousy, that they got to have a delicious lunch for relatively cheap right near their office each day. Oh to have that variety...Oh to have those yummy Asian dishes right there. Like every trip I take anywhere, I envisioned what life would be like if I could move to Singapore.

Flash forward nearly a decade to today. I walked down the hall attached to my office tower (in the lovely temperature controlled skyway) and decided between Thai noodles, a freshly made yellow curry with veggies and chicken, Falafel or a fresh tossed green salad. I'd already decided not to walk to the Japanese bento place I've been frequenting lately.

And then it hit me as I ate my wonderful curry... it tasted like that lunch in Singapore. It was the lunch special, so it was relatively (relative to downtown prices) cheap. And I realized again how very, very fortunate I am and how, in many senses, every wish I've ever had - even the fleeting ones for a yummy workday lunch - feels as if it's come true.

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