Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Good bye Miley Dog

We didn't even have her for a full year. As spazzy and sometimes annoying as she was (she was ALL bird dog ALL the time) at times and as many times as I cursed her for eating tissues out of the bathroom garbage and leaving them all over the house... I find myself surprised at how sad I am and how very much I miss her.

Tonight I had a Girl Scout meeting so I picked up McDonalds for a fast family dinner while Jeff picked up kids. I beat him home by just a few minutes.
Usually the dogs are waiting by the door eager to go outside. Tonight they weren't there. Hmm. That's odd. So, I yelled: "Where are my dogs at?"

Callie came from upstairs and slunk out the door without enthusiasm.
Hmmm. That's odd.

I saw Miley laying in one of her favorite spots just on the edge of the four season porch. Man, she must be really deeply asleep not to come running when I call...
And then it hit me. My voice hit that frantic note it does if I can't find one of the kids in a busy store right away or they aren't where I expect them to be in the yard.

Miley! I called. No response. This can't be. I reached out and touched her face. Shook her a little. Something was definitely very wrong. And then I heard the sounds of Jeff's car in the garage. I ran outside and told Jeff: "Don't let the kids come inside! Please leave them in the car for a minute! You need to come in here!" Jeff expected to find a doggy mess..not a dead dog.

When we got Miley at the pound they told us she was a 4 year old stray. Healthy, but underweight. We've fed her up and loved on her - learned her annoying habits and what she's good at. I was planning to jog with her this summer. I expected she'd outlive Callie and annoy me for many more years to come.

Emma cried and wanted her dog tags. Lucy cried after a bit, too. Michael said: "I wish Miley could be alive still." as we placed the decorated homemade slate headstone over the spot where we buried her in the yard.

Still, they're all already making out a wish list for our next dog. Emma's already searched on the web for dogs. Even though they say they want a new dog, there is a dark cloud over our house tonight. This is not how Tuesday nights are supposed to go - we're all shocked and sad.

To my great surprise, we've lost a dog. And even more surprising to me is how very much I'll miss her despite all her quirks.

Rest in Peace Miley Dog. May you find a doggie heaven filled with pheasants for chasing, angels to scratch behind your floppy ears and unlimited doggie treats.

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