Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I give in..

So I've been reading other people's blogs - and each time something hits a nerve I leave a 10 - mile long "de-lurking" reply. Nazi-LaLeche league types. Nasty people in the grocery store. Gallbladder woes.
These lengthy comment submissions are.. a bit embarassing. I mean, it's something like being a wind-bag at someone else's party. Reminds me again that I'm old before my time because I'm like that ancient Aunt that corners you at the family reunion and tells you all about her bunions when all you wanted to do was slip past her to reach the bowl of dip on the table..

So, instead I'll make my own blog.
Of course-- the moment I do, watch my pithy comments and interesting stories dry up and wither promptly.

And, of course, I've chosen the single most busy day I've had in the last 6 months for the day I'd start to post on blogger. Doesn't it figure.

In brief... I'm a mom (hence: Okaasan, the Japanese word for mom). To three. In fact, I'm a stepmom (1) , biomom (2), wife (1), fulltime computer engineer (geek), and sometimes I even call myself a quilter.

I used to be cool. Really. Ask me about my wild days of touring with the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Smashing Pumpkins. I haven't retired my Doc Martens - but the black leather jacket doesn't get worn much now that I'm stuck in the 'burbs.

I have a newborn, a pre-school and an elementary school aged child. I breastfeed - but only one of those three. I work - did I mention full time? I am bilingual in Japanese (um, hence the Okaasan name...). My kids say funny things. I have good stories. At least, that's what my girl friends tell me. But, then maybe they're just being kind.

Maybe I should try this again another day when I have more time, and a little less work to finish.

1 comment:

paul said...

Welcome to blogging!