Thursday, February 10, 2005

What I Said... What I Meant..

Transcribed from Tuesday Night in Tokyo

Client Side Proj. Manager: "So, how's it being in Japan? Having a good time then?"

The answer I gave: "Uh, sure, uh nice."

The answer I meant:

I've cried for over 2 hours straight now. Today there was a small earthquake that scared the crap out of me. At the end of the day I ran into a glass door at the client site and nearly knocked myself senseless, not to mention the 50 heads popped up from their cubicle at the sound of the loud "GONG" to see the stupid Gaijin ran into a glass door.

I've discovered that engorgement lasts for days and it hurts like hell. I miss my baby, my kids and my husband much more painfully than the bump on my head from the glass door. But, maybe equally painful as engorgement.. 'Cause I think *childbirth hurt less than this. (*Granted, I had the epidural)

I've been working until I literally pass out from exhaustion, sometimes fully clothed and sitting upright. I wake up at 5am and work until I leave for the client site. Then, I work all day at the client site. Then I return to the hotel, plug the computer back in and work until I find myself asleep at the desk around 11pm. Then I wake up at 5am and do it all again..

Good times. Good times. Oh yes, having good times in Tokyo.


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