Monday, March 21, 2005

A Gold Star on my Mommy Chart

First, an observation. On a blog that I regularly read the author (Tertia) asked everyone to sort of "blog roll" - to comment on where they're from, among other things. It got hard to read all the comments (over 570 when I commented) but from those that I DID read, I paid special attention to the other folks from MN (like me). And so I checked out (the blogs of) some of the other MN located women. There was a common theme in the naming of their blogs: "Bad Mama", "Cursing Mama" ... and me : "Geeky Mama". Woo boy, a bunch of braggers aren't we? I guess if you're from MN you don't title your blog: "Hot Mama" or "Super Model in Skimpy Bikini Mama".

And now - a report on what a good mommy I was this weekend.
I feel like I have another jewel in my heavenly crown (ha! I can't even type that with a straight face)..because, normally I'm not this good at the job.. but THIS weekend.. I was UBER-MOMMY.

I had all three kids by myself (Hubby was away on business) and I made a truly special weekend for them. They were all fed nutritious, home-cooked (well, as home-cooked as any of my meals ever are) meals and snacks, went to a water park and Build-a-Bear (rip off! - but they loved it) workshop. We also went to the library, read books, listened to wholesome (yet fun!) kid music, Sunday school for Easter/Palm Sunday crafty-activities.. Bedtimes were early, naps were on-schedule, medications administered on-time.
Dude, it's like I was channeling Mary freakin' Poppins. Of course, I now feel like I was run over by a Mack Truck and my eyes are the size of tiny pins with large dark circles under 'em..but, I feel triumphant. I did it! I nurtured, entertained and was totally patient yet firm. No crabbing at them, no yelling, no: "Here, watch a video while mommy reads her People magazine". For me, this is my pinnacle. I'm thinking this is about as good as I get at the mommy-thing.

There is no coincidence, however, though that as I drove to work this morning my blood pressure dropped a few notches as I cranked up the Faith No More in the freshly emptied minivan.

1 comment:

kate said...

Wow-- you definitely deserve a gold star for that one! You're going to make the rest of us look bad! Now, if you'll excuse me, there are videos to be watched and magazines to be read...