Monday, August 29, 2005

What is wrong with this picture?

Here are a few hints:

1. This is not my husband.
2. In fact, this is a complete stranger.
3. That is my baby boy in the navy blue shirt and khaki shorts.
4. He is snuggled up against this complete stranger at the MN State Fair.

and.. the biggest problem of all:

5. Look at the stranger's ball cap! It reads: "BUSH CHENEY" and he was wearing a pro-Republican (Pawlenty) button, too!

I was horrified on so many levels.

Baby boy kept crawling over to this man. Sure, the guy was nice and his little boys were cute and were playing with our little one..
And it was very kind of this father to be so friendly to my obviously very confused son...
But, he was a stranger! And baby boy was snuggling against him!

And a REPUBLICAN to boot! (shudder shudder)

Apparently the DFL Nursery Rhymes I've been singing him to sleep with haven't been doing the trick. It's time to change the nursery colors to Blue, place Wellstone stickers on the wall and perhaps a tasteful picture of a smiling Bill Clinton clutching a saxophone near the head of the crib.

1 comment:

L said...

This is hilarious!! Michael is extremely cute (from the previous posts' pics). First time visitor here, coming from your comment at expatmama. I also have a 1 year old (17 months on the 30th) son, plus a 3 year old son.

I'll be back!