Saturday, November 04, 2006

The one in the Green shirt..

Amy@ the Fair
Originally uploaded by Geeky Mama.
is the one I'm voting for. Hubby took this back in August at our annual trip to the "Great Minnesota Get-Together" - and it's a lovely picture of my neck and the back of my head...and then, just to the left of that...the political candidate we're both rooting for on Nov. 7th.

Hubby met Average Joe this afternoon - but Amy is the candidate we most hope wins this coming week at the polls.

1 comment:

Duf said...

The candidate I most hope wins is Mike Hatch (even though I'm not a huge fan of his), after that, I'm rooting for Patty Wetterling - she's down 7 points. Amy looks really good with a double digit lead.