Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Is it March already?

It's been eventful lately. This is why my Dad's birthday cards are still sitting on the kitchen counter and his birthday was Feb. 23rd. (Sorry Dad).

The road trip to Ohio was good - but it got a bit scary on the way back through Wisconsin.

Emma has been in another two plays. She's been accepted at an Arts Magnet Middle School and has been asked to go to a Gifted and Talented kid summer school program. It's like a whole new world (Gifted and Talented summer camp world) has been opened up for us.

Recent things that cracked me up:

1. Emma's comment that: "All the boys sound like girls" when talking about her 5th grade's presentation of Broadway show tunes. Too true. I leaned over to Jeff when 4 boys were singing a mobster song and said: "It's the Sopranos!"

2. Michael was sitting on my lap and during the "Sorprano's" song he covered his ears with both hands and said: "Mommy, they hurtin' my ears!!"

3. At work we all went in on a PowerBall ticket. The organizer sent a scanned PDF copy of our tickets and an Excel spreadsheet with percentage calculations of each of our share of the $173 Million.

I emailed Jeff and said: "This (the Excel sheet) is what happens when geeks play the PowerBall." Jeff is seeking a support group for geeks.

Lastly, if I -DO- win the PowerBall..this is my current wish list:

1. Kindle

2. M3 Adapter for my NDS
3. New front steps for our house...because suddenly ours are crumbling. Bummer.
Maybe something like these:

I can't believe it's March...but I also can't believe we're running out of time to get signed up for Summer camps and other summer plans. March isn't coming in like a Lion, it's more like a Cheetah.

1 comment:

Shelli said...

I wish they had had specialty schools when Ashley had gone through. Also, they only had the Gifted and Talented program through her first grade year. I should have been a better advocate for her.