Tuesday, December 21, 2004

We are so going to hell - part 2

So, for the wonderful mom who drives my daughter from her day care to her Christian pre-school 2 days each week while I'm at work, I made a special trip to the local Christian book store to find a particular book I thought she'd enjoy. I found the book I planned on giving her plus a couple more and almost choked when the grand total at the register was like 2X as much as I expected.

I came home and hubby and I had a (blasphemous!) conversation that just confirmed our one-way tickets to Hades:

Me: "Man, that place is a rip!"

Hubby: "Yeah, they think just 'cause you're buying Jesus-stuff they can screw you!!"

Then we both cackled, y'know, like evil heathen types do.

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