Friday, December 16, 2005

Not official, but still...

So, yesterday I wrote up two lists of "13" for Thirteen Thursday.
Then I got busy at the very end of the day (more on that later) - so I didn't post them. Then, when thinking about it.. I thought: This is not realistic for me.

Seriously - committing to blogging on a frequent basis just doesn't work for me. As much as I'd like to, the pace of my life won't allow it. I have days where I run in the door (after carrying the kids in from the minivan) and run for the bathroom because it's the first chance I've had to use the restroom all day - just too busy.

One of these days I'm going to miscalculate how much tea my bladder can hold and give the kids a great story about how mommy peed her pants.

In any case, here are the two lists of 13. But, consider this the last time I'll try for a Thursday 13 - because it's just not something I can sustain.

Thirteen Things I Am Extremely Fond Of (not counting husband & kids & dear friends)

1. Lotte Mint Blue Gum
2. Paradise Iced Tea
3. Pilot G-2 pens
4. XM MyFi!
5. AIM and email. Love it and cannot live without them.
6. Andes Mints
7. Aveda Control Paste
8. Sujata Massey books
9. My MetroPass Go-To card. In fact, I just love Mpls Metro Transit, period.
11. Bath & Body Jasmine Vanilla Aromatherapy Body Wash - when it's on sale.
12. Anything Carolyn Haines writes.
13. The NYT online.

Thirteen Things I Regret Today

1. The snow on the ground reminded me of my first ever visit to Minnesota years ago -and the terrible person it was with. He drove too fast for the snowy roads and rammed a rental car into a snow pile. The snow piles on the road this morning
brought that unsavory memory back. And all the regrets that I ever got tangled up with such a person in the first place.

2. The stupid play on words I attempted in the lunch room with my coworkers today that was insulting to two groups of people - without me intending to be. I needed some ketchup along with my foot after that dumb remark.

3. I'm kicking myself that we didn't get pictures of all three kids in front of the Christmas tree last weekend when we had our oldest daughter home.

4. I forgot my step-mom's birthday yesterday. I love her dearly and feel like a total dork that I forgot to call or send a card. I'll send a belated card and present -- but I hate that I missed the actual date.

5. I regret not saying something to the dork on the bus that sat next to me and kept hitting me yesterday on my way home from work.
He actually elbowed me in the face at one point near the end of the bus ride and didn't even say "Excuse me". By the time the bus pulled in the lot I was absolutely seething. I'd decided if he hit me ONE MORE TIME (he'd already hit, squished and
elbowed me more than a dozen times by then) that I was going to say something snarky. Now I wish I hadn't waited a dozen times.

6. I regret staying up so late last night. It felt good to ramble on and talk to my hubby (who got back from his trip last night around 9:30pm)..but I was SO tired this morning. Plus Michael and the cat woke me up a couple of times in the night - so I was super groggy this morning.

7. I regret wasting so much time looking at real estate listings today. Hubby & I swapped them a few times. I shouldn't bother - because he's not willing to make a move until Spring or Summer - so I'm wasting my time getting all excited over places we'll never go see or buy.

8. I regret not bringing my boots to work today. I figured I could navigate shoveled sidewalks until getting into the skyway. What I'd forgotten about is the way home. I'm likely to need them.

9. Ah, those two handfuls of Andes Mints I ate after lunch. Have totally undone any benefits from my low-calorie packed lunch.

10. I wish I'd been home to kiss my kids this morning. Instead I got to the office early. Necessary evil.

11. Wrong socks! I pulled on khaki socks - but I would've been better off with a darker color today. Oh well.

12. Speaking up in a meeting. Sometimes I should really just bite my tongue. I didn't say anything TOO stupid .. but sometimes I need to sit down and shut up.

13. My Chipotle dinner. Just didn't hit the spot - I've eaten it too frequent lately. And, the resulting onion breath was deadly bad.

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