Monday, August 18, 2008

It Just Keeps Getting Better

During the long drive home from Chicago we couldn't get the DVD player to work, so Miss Lucy was without her preferred form of entertainment. She decided she wanted my iPod and wanted to "hear a story". I put on "This American Life" for her and ...she loved it. This was a pleasant surprise and another reminder of why it is so cool that the kids are getting older.
She was also eager to talk to me and make me laugh - which made her a great traveling companion.

She'd also been trying to convince me I should pay her for her good behavior (she's trying to save up money for yet another American Girl Doll and has only $13 at the moment) and kept attempting to talk me into giving her a dollar. I carefully explained that she'd be paid only for extra chores around the house or something extra-ordinary. She listened carefully when I laid out my logic that good behavior is expected and therefore not something to be monetarily rewarded.

Shortly after that we reached our town and as we drove past the lake near our house I said something about how pretty it was with the sun shining on the lake and then Lucy began to sort of sing.. just sort of wordless pretty sounds like:
"ooooh.....aaaaaahhhh ....ooooooooh...."

And then she paused to take a breath and said:

"You know Mom, it costs extra for this background music."

I laughed so hard we're lucky we stayed on the road and didn't end up in the Lake.

1 comment:

Shelli said...

OMG! I laughed so hard and then I had to read it to Jason so he would know what I was laughing at. She's hilarious. I miss her. Which is sort of sad given how close we live to each other. My fault.