Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I am so not balancing home and work

After emailing back and forth a bit my (prospective future boss and) colleague calls long distance to my mobile number from Australia.
Just after I pick up the call (my first mistake), the younger bites the older one's hand (she had a toy he wanted) and they both start screaming. They are wet, want to be held (both of them) and are screaming blood curdling cries in the bath. I am mid-sentence trying to explain a technical concept. I don't think, until this point, this gentlemen even knew I had children. This was a harsh introduction to that bit of information.

I don't think I could have handled that professional call with more (lack of) grace under pressure unless I'd managed to drop the cell phone in the toilet on top of it all. Small mercies, the phone is still dry, and now so are the children - and they're quietly sleeping at last.

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