Saturday, September 27, 2008









Anonymous said...

How 'bout an English translations for us single-language people?

geekymama said...

Okay, okay.. Here's the translation:

Title = Yep, I adjusted.

Content: It had been three years since I'd been back to I was really worried.

I was sure I'd forgotten the language and the plan was for me to present the conference in Japanese - I was freaked out.
However, in the end it was really okay after all. I pretty much remembered (the language).

If I didn't think about it - the Japanese would just come out of my mouth easily. But if I thought about it, I'd clam up from nervousness.
I'd say it's like this: the words are there somewhere in my head. If I don't think too much then I speak naturally. Of course, comparing to how I used to be (able to speak) I've definitely lost some vocabulary. And I was confusing words (especially words that sounded similar). But still, I was happy I was able to speak.

(Side note not in Japanese in the Blog entry: It reminded me of someone with a brain injury trying to recover their speech. I occasionally mistook words that were similar enough in sound..)

After just one week in Japan my dreams started occurring in Japanese (again). Last night's dream was a mixture of 50/50 English and Japanese.
This morning I was woken up by a phone call. When talking with the kids I found myself having to work at not speaking Japanese to them. This surprised me! I was just about to say: (in Japanese) "I've only just woken up" before I realized- uh, hey, wait a kids only understand English. That was a strange feeling.

In any case, I'm relieved. It's not like I forgot all my Japanese. That's good.

So, once I go back the States this time I promise myself I'm really going to work at practicing Japanese. Without using it I'm sure I'll forget even more. If I don't study I'm sure the next time I come to Japan I won't be able to speak Japanese. So, yep, this time it'd be good if I made some time to study.