Friday, September 05, 2008

The Week that Was

Things are so hectic I can't think straight. My to-do list at work (and home) has grown so long I'm flailing. So, I think it's best that I take a break for a moment to try and reflect on the week that just flew by.

First Day of School

Luce loves her new teacher, and I have high hopes she'll have a good year at school. She's turning into a bookworm and this makes me very happy for her.

Em is settling into Middle School with the sort of self-assured confidence of someone who knows who she is and what she wants and is READY.TO.GO.
It's amazing to me - because I don't have any memories of Middle School that don't make me cringe a bit remembering being painfully shy and unsure and desperately uncool..and Emma is brilliant, whip-smart and comfortable in her own skin.
She's the most unique combination I've ever seen - she's got her own funky style going on and is naturally gifted at making gobs of friends ..and yet she's been promoted ahead a grade level to advanced math and language arts and is trying out for the competitive math league team.
She's got the brains of a math geek in coupled with the look & social skills of a popular girl. I am so impressed by her and can't tell her enough how amazing she is.

Mr. Man went back to his pre-school for pre-K and loves his new teachers. I do, too. His lead teacher is a fresh import from Columbus, Ohio - which gives her a big ol' gold star in my book.
In typical third-child fashion, we have no pictures of his first day of school because mommy accidentally left the camera at the Elementary school. Oh well. He's happy and was surrounded immediately by all his old buddies who had been looking forward to his coming back to school after the summer break - his only complaint is that school is cutting into his TV watching time.

The RNC Invasion of the Twin Cities

It took me over 2.5 hours to get home after work on Wednesday thanks to John McCain staying at the Hilton attached to the building I work in. I confess that even though I didn't get home till 7pm that night I wanted to see Palin's speech in a weird sort of way that I can only compare to the feeling of wanting to scratch a mosquito bite or pick a scab. Gross.

I worked from home most other days this week - which was a treat and didn't involve having to face the fact that my city was overtaken by right wing political figures in Cadillac Escalades with black tinted windows and lots of G-men to protect them (the protesters mainly stayed in St. Paul - so Minneapolis took on a decidedly "fat cat" vibe). My friend Sharon and I seemed to be the only ones interested in playing "spot the G-man"...but then, it wasn't much of a challenge and it was less interesting than, say, the National Guard and the snipers on the parking garage roof that I could look at all day from my office window.

I'm pretty sure that Tom DeLay almost walked right into me (how dare I walk on the sidewalk when he was?) as I was walking back to my office on the sidewalk in from of the W hotel on Wednesday afternoon. He was in a big cowboy hat & these fancy jeans - and he reeked of too much cologne. Gross.

Here's a story to pretty much sum up the week with the RNC taking over the Twin Cities:

I'm riding in the car with Jeff at noon on Wednesday on our way to lunch, listening to MPR like usual... but we soon figure out it's been overtaken by RNC politcal pundits because all we can hear is stuff like:
"blah blah Evil Liberal Media blah blah blah the Conservative Majority will SAVE AMERICA blah blah Evil Liberal blah blah"

So, after I get fatigued hearing again how the majority of the nation is actually conservative (huh? really?) and that only evil baby-hating liberal freaks would question VP nom Sarah Palin's choice to go back to work 3 days after giving birth to her infant son..I ask Jeff to please change the channel to a music station.
We switch to the adult easy-listening-alternative music channel and land on a Norm Coleman (Republican Senator) commercial bashing Al Franken.
I threw up in my mouth a little bit and then I switched the radio off.

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