Saturday, September 27, 2008

Now I am a HAPPY geek.

I'm such a simple creature, really. It's all about the little things.
The certain smell of my favorite soap. My one and only favorite necklace.
When feeling stressed about the change in travel plans from Tokyo to Zagreb, all it takes to make me feel a bit better is a hot fudge sundae at Royal Host. (Well, that and a few pep talks from my hubby.) I've had two (sundaes) in the last two days and am feeling pretty even keel now.

I knew Akihabara would have plug adaptors and transformers I'd need (it's 220V in Croatia) and 電圧 is something I can speak about easily (thanks to a previous lifetime translating robotic and printing machinery schematics), so I figured I'd get it here where I could explain what I needed without any language barrier. I knew I'd be all set if I could make my way to my favorite electronics shop in Akihabara.

What I didn't know is that I'd find my favorite EVER game (ぷよぷよ) celebrated their 15th Anniversary by putting out a Nintendo DS version. I nearly shouted in joy right there in ソフマップ.

So, this (all my geeky goodies, only available in Japan or by import):

THIS is what happiness looks like to my inner geek. I had a smile I couldn't wipe off my face this entire afternoon. People in the subways noticed and either smiled back or looked at me like: ニコニコするな!

And as I floated on a cloud of happiness back to my hotel room to pack up all my goodies and charge up my DS for the long flight to Amsterdam, I saw something that would make my hubby's inner geek smile parked right in front of the hotel.

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